søndag 30. september 2012

onsdag 26. september 2012

26.09.2012 aka ColorStudyDay11

Here is another one of the color studies, hope ya'll like it.

mandag 24. september 2012

24.09.2012 aka ColorStudyDay10

Areit so for today, here is the first of a series of interiors I will be doing, and along with that is the progress on my character that I am doing on the side. I call him Snorre, he is gonna be cool:)

fredag 21. september 2012

21.09.2012 aka ColorStudyDay9

Ah Friday! I liek fridays..

I like other days as well, but fridays are good. I can go drink beeeeer, and stay up laaate, and paint and play videogames. I think I might need to get a new videogame^^

Any suggestions?

tirsdag 18. september 2012

18.09.2012 aka ColorStudyDay8

Today was a wierd day of work, just got started when we were suddenly called into a meeting room for a visit from Stephan Martiniere. What I assumed would be a short affair went on to a 2 hour chat, back and forth about art, games, movies, and whatever else. A very pleasent time, all in all.

This evening he is doing a planned talk in town, so I think I will bring my sketchbook and fill some pages, and I will also try and upload some sketches when I finish the book.

For today, I studied a samurai helmet, fun to try and make efficient use of patterns and selections on one hand, and handle lighting on the other.

Also, the new season of QI is on, so get your trivia fix ooooon people! Oh Stephen Fry, you are lovely^^


lørdag 15. september 2012

15.09.2012 aka ColorStudyDay7

Ah another saturday wandering the town with Aadi, Lingy, Jia and Jonas. Exploring here and there, sketching and chatting, a fine fine way to pass an afternoon, think I will bring a camera next time, so I can take some pics to share with you guys.

Tomorrow will mst likely see no update I am affraid, but I will be back on monday!

In the meantime I heartily urge the enjoyment of Metric, the Montreal based band, since I would love some company in my maniacle affinity for their song "Help, I'm alive"

Areit here is today's study

Getting better at using some different brushes, but I need to work at it!


fredag 14. september 2012

14.09.2012 aka ColorStudyDay6

Ah friday^^ Spent the evening studying and working on a sketch, while watching Aziz Ansari and drinking Arizona ice tea with Jonas. Jonas has been working hard on new ideas for his comic, GoblinGod (http://goblingod.com/), so loads of mirth was had.

Lately I have been watching one of my favorite things on the interwebs, "A Show With Ze Frank", which is the currently running sequel to "The Show with Ze Frank". Explaining the show would be like trying to explain the Cirque De Soleil, so just go watch it, I think you might like it, and if not, you are a horrible person*



*-not really

torsdag 13. september 2012

13.09.2012 aka ColorStudyDay5

40 minutes during lunch.

Figured I might start writing a little more in this blog, making it more than a running slideshow of my daily noodlings. Seeing as it recently was my 1st anniversary for moving to Canada, it might be about time.

So, as the pattern-seeking among you might have noticed I started studying more lately, trying to drive myself to get over the things I am still really uncomfortable with. I have also started working on a collab with my friend Jonas Andreassen (http://www.speedpainting.org/), so I should be able to post the fruits of those labors in a bit.

Areit that is enough for now, though I will try and get into the habit of writing some every day:)



mandag 10. september 2012

søndag 9. september 2012

onsdag 5. september 2012

05.09.2012 aka PoseStudyDay14

Here is another batch, cut down to 60 seconds:D

lørdag 1. september 2012