More stuff for the good folks at Anthropos Gaming Company!
lørdag 1. mai 2010
Robot made up from a bunch of different junk. Made for AEG.
tirsdag 27. april 2010
torsdag 4. mars 2010
Hehe, I guess I ain't much of a blogger, but here is another update non the less:) To make up for the bad frequency here is a rather large update with a good deal of good bits. Will update with the stuff I did for Anthropos Games when I am done with all of that, should be a pretty sweet update:)
Please let me know what you think^^
søndag 31. januar 2010
My god, way to long since I updated. Here are some sketches for Anthropos Games, as well as a school piece:)
torsdag 21. januar 2010
onsdag 13. januar 2010
Yay finally finsihed this one^^
mandag 11. januar 2010
Some studies and tings:) Back in Falmouth now, and gonna start livestreaming tonight I think:)
I am a conceptartist and freelance illustrator working at the awesome Volta Studio in Quebec by day and may or may not be a caped crusader by night. If you need me, I'll be at